
To break into the television market, you need to have an original TV pilot script and another spec script. Do you have those? While you may have that fresh idea a network, studio or production company may seek, should you not have the right format, you would be missing an important opportunity. That’s where we come in.

We will teach you and provide with the platform to complete your scripts which would showcase your writing voice and your ability to work in existing TV with your more than capable knowledge of the techniques involved with the trade. More than that, you would learn how to create a show that could last for several seasons.

This course will teach you to create a “show bible” for your original TV series.

Topics that will be covered: TV script show format, screenplay structure, dialogue, writing the pilot episode, creating the “show bible”, including episode springboards & season arcs, developing characters and character arcs, creating multiple story lines, elements of screenwriting, screenplay analysis, treatment writing etc.

At the completion of this course, you would have written several drafts of screenplays and completed a ready to pitch original television pilot and a completed show bible for your series.

For more information, please email

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